Tuesday, July 21, 2009

We have landed in London

Hi there would you believe it? We have been put on sale at the London Irish Centre in the capital city of the old United Kingdom. For those of you who happen to be based there you can contact them here:

London Irish Centre, 50-52 Camden Sq., London, NW1 9XB
Website: http://www.londonirishcentre.wordpress.com/
Email: culture@irishcentre.org
Phone: 0044 (0) 20 7916 2222

Also Moloneys Shop in Ruan village has taken on a few copies. Being my home parish am delighted they have taken it on. Hurleys Newsagents in Miltown Malbay have also taken on a few copies they took it on for the Willie Clancy Festival but have decided to keep it for the Summer to see how it goes.

We are tipping away slowly.

Monday, July 13, 2009

In Macroom in Cork

Yep, the comic is on the shelves in Macroom Bookshop. We had a minor glitch on our siopa/shop online but it should be all sorted now. But here is the details of Macroom Bookshop in Cork:

Macroom Bookshop, Fitz-Gerald Street, Macroom, Co. Cork
Website: http://www.macroombookshop.com/
Phone:+353 (0)26-41888 Email:us@ouremail.com

We have now got a foothold in Cork county and will hopefully take more of the Rebel County soon.

Caint Campaign Check it Out

A man by the name of Paul Feeney has set up a website where his vision of more Irish people speaking Irish on a regular basis is an achievable thing. The website is www.caintcampaign.com and he is a man after my own heart. He is all about people giving it a go and helping people who have an interest in the language. He is not trying to teach Irish or force it on people but just make it more accessible, fun and give people the chance to use whatever little they have. I think it's great. Check out his website. They have t-shirts and all sorts of Irish language related fun stuff on it. He has actually put a little button with us on it on his site which is class and thanks to him for giving us a spot on it.

I myself am learning Irish again with good reason of course, there is Rírá but I don't want to lose the bit of teanga I have at the moment (another reason I started Rírá I wanted to read more Irish language comics because I do read French and Dutch comics when I get my hands on them). I once sat an Irish interview for a job and surprised myself when the Irish interview went better than the job interview (I didn't get the job one lousy double meaning question anyway I digress) but when the results came back I had scored high in Irish. I punched the air I hadn't spoken any Irish since school which was four or five years before. When I lived in Canada for a bit I found that I spoke more Irish than I did here for the longest time. I met a really nice lad at my work from Quebec who's first words to me were 'Conas tá tú?' and I used to have disjointed but long conversations in Irish with him. I am out of practise again but I am improving everyday. I am making many mistakes and sometimes when talking to people I get embarrassed instead of just talking through it instead of thinking 'Jaysus, my Irish is awful and they are judging my Irish,' when I can murder French and be quiet happy with myself. In time though you do get better.

Caint Campaign is a non-profit group. I like their idea and I have a list of info here below for anyone interested in advertising or helping the campaign out on www.caintcampaign.com :


The Caint Campaign can provide irish businesses a unique portal to all lovers of the irish language whether they speak the language or not. The Caint Campign promotes the irish language daily to everybody through a youthful marketing strategy.

Reach thousands of people worldwide through 'caintcampaign.com'
One Month €10
Six months €45
Per Year €70

The Caint Campaign keeps its advertising prices low as to encourage as many irish groups, organisations and businesses to advertise on its website to help promote the irish language. The Caint Campaign was not created for profit and all proceeds go towards maintenance of the site and store.

Don’t have your own designer? We’ll design your ad for free.

The Caint Campaign is updated and promoted daily.
Email 'paul@caintcampaign.com' for more information.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Shop Online is Alive and We are in a shop in County Derry

Hi all. For those of you dropping in and out to see what's happening with Rírá Issue 1 finally we have a shop set up online on http://www.coimicigael.ie/

So tell your friends, family, teachers, auditors, taxi drivers, anyone who'll listen we have the shop up and running. However for those of you who prefer to go into your local shop we have another shop where it is on the shelves and that is:

An Carn Siopa, An Carn, Tirkane Road, Maghera, Co Derry BT46 5NH
Website: http://www.ancarn.org/facilities/an-carn-siopa
Fón: 0044 (0)28 7954 9978

Also Fingal County Library is putting in twelve branches across Fingal soon so watch out.

Thanks to the kind people at Summer Edition 09 for fitting us in last weekend. Muireann our graphic designer was there selling and promoting Rírá. She had a blast meeting people and got some stuff for me to look over so am up to Dublin probably next week so am looking forward to reading the goodies she acquired.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

What did we do before computers?

Right that's it the computer is going out the window. Either that or I find the evil little gremlin that hides in this godforsaken nest I call an office. I'd swear when I come home from there's one here who turns my computer on and then fiddles with the keys mucking up some tiny little thing that makes some sites (like www.coimicigael.ie) inaccessible to me and ruining my evening followed by the air turning blue everytime I see this:

Network Error (tcp_error)
A communication error occurred: "Operation timed out"
The Web Server may be down, too busy, or experiencing other problems preventing it from responding to requests. You may wish to try again at a later time.
For assistance, contact your network support team.

I'd swear I can hear the little dingbat snickering in the pile of books, paper and god knows what in the corner that I call a filing system. It's lucky I'm too bloody tired to bother looking and destroying the very carefully laid out system I have too.

Anyway on the plus side we have confirmed that twelve branch libraries under Fingal County Library are going to be featuring the magazine on their magazine stands. So that's a bit of good news. Apparently the shop is nearly done but I can't see it because my computer is giving me the evil eye. I just don't know what to do with it.